1. Refunds: When a customer makes a direct reservation with a company, the company may choose to pay the client directly with a demand draft, crossed cheque or cash to cover any refunds (if any) for revisions and/or cancellations. Refunds will be handled by our preferred sales agents or travel agents for reservations made through them. Refunds would take at least 30 days to process. Any unused services (such as meals, entrance fees, optional tours, hotels, and sightseeing, etc.) are nonrefundable for any reason.
  2. Conditions of Travel:
    • The Tour Program must be rigorously adhered to by the client. If a client does not join the group at the start of the trip, does not join the group on schedule, joins the group later, or quits the group before the tour ends, there will be no refund. It should be mentioned that for all intents and purposes, it is the Client's responsibility to arrive at the Tour's starting point and register with a company representative at the designated location and time.
    • No claim for a refund of unused services will be granted in the event that a client and his family are forced to end the journey for any reason, such as illness, death, or loss of any travel papers. Even if a client is unable to arrive at the tour's starting point for whatever reason, such as lost luggage or travel documents, his reservation will be classified as a "no show" on the tour, and 100% cancellation fees will be assessed.
    • If a customer uses pre-tour services, in whole or in part, or air tickets (if purchased as part of the offer), but does not join the group for the main tour at the scheduled location or cancels the tour after using the air tickets or pre-tour arrangements, it will be considered a "no show," and there will be no reimbursement for the pre-tour or main tour services that were not used.
    • The Company reserves the right to withdraw tour membership of any client whose conduct is thought to be likely to impair the smooth functioning of the tour or negatively impact the enjoyment or safety of other travelers and the company shall have no liability to such a person.
    • It is a condition of Booking that the client takes out a Holiday Insurance. Client may procure travel insurance (optional) at their own cost.
    • The prices listed in this brochure have been determined using the exchange rate in effect at the time this brochure was printed. The company maintains the right to alter the rates indicated in this brochure in case of fuel expenses, special/high season fee applied by the suppliers, hike in the airline/rail charges before the date of departure and to surcharge appropriately. Any such price increases must be paid in full by the client prior to departure.
    • If the company publishes a travel plan offering a discount or other benefit, the company shall have the exclusive right to discontinue such a plan or discount at any time, barring the publication of an explicit assurance to the contrary.
  3. Liability: The company shall, in no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the client or any person traveling with him for.
    • Any loss, delay, discomfort, rise in costs, consequential loss and/or damage, or any kind of theft, regardless of how it occurred, including death, injuries to the body, illness, and accidents.
    • Any temporary or long-term loss or damage to luggage or other personal effects, regardless of the cause, including any intentional negligence on the part of third parties.
    • Loss of baggage by the airlines / coach / train.
    • Overbooking of seats by the airline.
    • Failure on the part of airline to accommodate passengers despite having confirmed tickets or change of route.
    • If the client has a reservation with a specific airline, and the flight is overbooked or cancelled for any reason, preventing the client from boarding the flight, the client shall not hold the company liable for the situation, and the client shall not have any recourse against the company for a refund or compensation.
  4. Insurance: The price of the tour does not include any fees for travel or medical insurance. If the client requires insurance coverage, it is advised that they choose a suitable insurance plan on their own. When a claim is settled, the client must deal directly with the insurance provider. You can find the toll-free number on your insurance document. There is no compensation due from Sunrich Travels, its affiliates, or its agents in this situation. With our sales team, you may get more information about insurance coverage.
  5. Change in Tour Price: The tour prices that are printed, promoted, or quoted to the client are variable prices. Subject to seat availability, the individual who books a tour early is likely to receive the lowest price as announced or offered by the Company. In a similar vein, the person who books a tour last may get the best deals. This pricing structure has been introduced to encourage early tour reservations. Therefore, it should be evident that different tour prices were likely paid by individuals travelling in the same group. The Company will not consider any kind of claim related to the same. Additionally, both parties clearly acknowledge that the prices indicated in the proposal or brochure have been determined using the current hotel/transportation rates and related taxes thereon at the time of printing this brochure. The Company reserves the right to amend the price published in this brochure in case of costs increased before the date of departure. All such increases in price must be paid for in full before departure by the Client.
  6. Meals: The breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus are pre-set and are included in each trip itinerary and inclusions shown in our brochure. The meals will be provided at the hotel's restaurant or they may be scheduled at nearby eateries. The meals consumed while travelling or when on excursions may be packed or provided by eateries along the way. We cannot provide the consumer with a special diet guarantee. However, we retain the right to alter the meal plan if necessary due to unforeseen situations.
  7. Hotel: The suggested hotel names for each tour have been listed. In the event of unavoidable circumstances, we retain the right to amend the same. If so, we may offer an alternate, comparable accommodation, for which we are not responsible for providing a refund. If there is a loss of life or property at the hotel, we will not be held liable or responsible. Similar to how any damage to the hotel rooms during your stay must be paid for by the clients in order for the company to avoid liability.
  8. Disclaimer: The client agrees and acknowledges that they consent to participate in the excursion activities (boat rides, ferry rides, snorkeling etc. which is included in the tour) without any obligation from the Company. Client confirms that he/she is medically fit to participate in all activities involved in excursion activities & fully accept my personal responsibility of my safety. The company shall not be liable for any physical injury or loss of life caused to the Client due to such participation.
  9. Things to Note:
    • Price is subject to change.
    • Price is based on the “Base” Category of Hotel Room/Airlines Seats/Ferry Seats. This is Irrespective of the Package Category Chosen. Upgrade to Higher Category is available at an extra cost.
    • All domestic Hotels/Transport rates are based on current tariff & subject to change without prior notification; the revised rates will be charged extra.

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